Saturday, September 22, 2012

DAY 8 

Today I decided to do another simple "trick" it's nothing big and I've  known how to do this for a while. Riding no handed, some people can some people cant. It's really not that hard though, the most complicated thing is letting go. I'm NOT recommending just riding down the road and randomly letting go thinking you can ride your bike with no handlebars(HA HA). It just isn't hard to learn, everything is about balance when your doing something like this. If your handlebars start to sway the wrong direction you have to lean them back the other way. At the same time you have to be careful peddling so you don't sway to much and crash. Another thing to look out for are big holes or curbs, depending on your experience level, because these can really throw you for a loop.

Below is a short video of me riding down the side-walk no handed from my perspective.

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